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My Story

My desire to live a fit and healthy life began in 2016 when I finally took the steps to tackle my long term battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


After 20 years of GP visits and numerous unpleasant tests I knew I had to find an alternative way to manage my condition. I changed my lifestyle around completely by altering my diet and embracing exercise.


The effects were so dramatic both in my physical and mental health that I knew this was something I had to share with others. I prepared and cooked all my own meals based around a "clean eating" ethos. I began to share my story on social media and so the interest began from others and constant requests for meals from my audience.


The Klean Kitchen was established in 2016 to help people make better decisions when it comes to food, we know offer cooking classes for both adults and kids, plan events focuses on all aspects of health, and use are social channels to promote healthier lifestyle choices through diet and activities.


We will never step away from my core values which is to promote  health and well-being, and how a few simple changes can have such a massive impact 

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